The Influence Of Health Education About Surgery On Reducing Anxiety Levels In Pre-Operative Patients In The Surgical Treatment Room Subulussalam City Hospital
Keywords : Health Education, Anxiety of Pre OperatifAbstract
Anxiety is a vague and pervasive worry associated with feelings of uncertainty and helplessness. Anxiety is different from fear, which is an intellectual judgment of danger. Anxiety is divided into four levels, namely mild, moderate, severe anxiety, and panic. The impact of anxiety varies according to the level (Stuart, 2007). All forms of surgical procedures are preceded by a certain emotional reaction by the patient, whether the reaction is obvious or hidden, normal or abnormal.Factors that can influence preoperative patient anxiety include the client's lack of knowledge about preoperative patient preparation, both physical and supporting. The aim of this research is to determine whether there is an effect of providing health education about surgery on reducing anxiety levels in preoperative patients.This research is quantitative, namely experimental research using pre and post test design. The sample was 30 people. The instrument used in data collection was a questionnaire. The results of the study showed that the average value of preoperative patient anxiety before being given health education was a mean of 11.883 and the average value of preoperative anxiety of patients after being given preoperative health education decreased to a mean of 1.867. There was a significant difference between the effect of health education on reducing the anxiety level of preoperative patients with a p value of 0.00 < p = 0.05.It is hoped that this research can be followed up by further researchers regarding the analysis of factors that influence anxiety levels in preoperative patients. It is hoped that the results of this research can be used as a reference for students studying at nursing institutions in dealing with the anxiety of patients undergoing surgery.
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